Ibema: sustainable report, clear diagnosis and a strategy aligned with the company's business are key points for an effective positioning in ESG Environment, social and governance aspects are priorities for the paperboard manufacturer
Despite being aware of the ESG aspects, many companies still lack data to guide them in decision-making related to the environmental, social and governance spheres.
The information needed to guide actions that are so important for the sustainable future of enterprises can come from numerous sources. As an example, surveys of consumption habits of the new generations are crucial to map the direction of industry, commerce and services – just see that 93% of millennials (young people born between 1980 and 2000) only invest in “sustainable” companies or vehicles, while only 28 percent of baby boomers, born in the 1940s to 1960s, take this into account. Data are from the Economist Intelligence Unit.
Another important fact: according to the UN Millennium Goals (SDG) report, although 84% of companies carry out actions in favor of these global development goals, only 39% of organizations consider them ambitious and based on science and society's demands .
That's why Ibema maintains integrated actions, which go through all teams in favor of sustainability in practice – after all, environmental and social investments have been in the DNA since its foundation, 66 years ago. The management of water, waste and effluents, in addition to the ideal management of all resources, have always been a priority – proof of this is that the company has just become 100% Zero Landfill.
In search of reliable data and a complete diagnosis of all its areas, and in line with what is most advanced in the market, Ibema created a task force to produce its first sustainable report along the lines of the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) . It is a robust document, with information on the company's performance in socio-environmental, economic and governance issues, capable of directing the search for opportunities and new commitments.
“Ibema is attentive to everything that involves the ESG theme, not only within the scope of its operations, but also beyond its gates”, explains Ibema's financial manager, Débora Botini, who leads the GRI committee alongside the manager of SGI, Quality and Environment, Andrea Pegorini.
To ensure the representation and engagement of the entire company, Ibema formed a committee with directors and leaders from different areas. In addition, it aims to engage all employees in Ibema practices for the ESG pillars. The first report, which is based on the year 2020, will strengthen the company's commitment and guide the construction of strategic pillars in the ESG journey.
“We understand that this will be the first step to consolidate our performance so far and foster the ESG culture. We want to be a reference, demonstrate perpetuity and commitment to these three pillars, both for brand owners and for the entire society and market in which we operate”, explains Débora.
The Visão Sustentável consultancy supports the construction of this process, which should have the first report ready within two months – and the idea is that data collection is continuous and a reliable source for decisions always in line with the interests of all Ibema stakeholders .